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Английский язык. 10 класс (углублённый уровень)

Артикул: 815805.01.99
Учебник является центральным элементом учебно-методического комплекта серии «Звёздный английский» для 10 класса общеобразовательных организаций и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка. Отличительными особенностями учебника являются: модульное построение, наличие аутентичного материала о России, заданий, целенаправленно готовящих к Единому государственному экзамену по английскому языку. Материалы учебника способствуют достижению личностных, метапредметных и предметных результатов обучения. Аудиоприложение к учебнику доступно для бесплатного скачивания на https://prosv.ru/audio-starlight10-1 /
Английский язык. 10 класс (углублённый уровень) : учебник / К. М. Баранова, Д. Дули, В. В. Копылова [и др.]. — 11-е изд., стер. — Москва : Express Publishing : Просвещение, 2023. — 200 с. : ил. — (Звёздный английский). - ISBN 978-5-09-103570-4. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.ru/catalog/product/2089944 (дата обращения: 20.05.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.
З © АО «Издательство «Просвещение» для коллекции ООО «ЗНАНИУМ »

УДК  373:811.111+811.111(075.3)

Серия «Звёздный английский» основана в 2009 году.

На учебник получены положительные заключения по результатам научной (заключение РАО № 912 от  
21.11.2016 г.), педагогической (заключение РАО № 683 от 21.11.2016 г.) и общественной (заключение  
РКС № 391-ОЭ от 22.12.2016 г.) экспертиз.

Авторы: К. М. Баранова, Д. Дули, В. В. Копылова, Р. П. Мильруд, В. Эванс
Authors: Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Ksenia Baranova, Victoria Kopylova, Radislav Millrood


Authors’ Acknowledgements
We would like to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed their skills to producing thisbook. Thanks for their support and 
patience are due in particular to: Megan Lawton (Editor-in-Chief); Mary Swan and Sean Todd (senior editors); Michael Sadler and Steve Miller 
(editorial assistants); Richard White (senior production controller); the Express design team; Sweetspot (recording producers); and Kevin Harris, 
Kimberly Baker, Steven Gibbs and Christine Little. We would also like to thank those institutions and teachers who piloted the manuscript, and 
whose comments and feedback were invaluable in the production of the book.

Photograph Acknowledgements
Module 1: © Superman © everettcollection/www.iml.gr on pp. 5, 16; Module 3: Captain Jack Sparrow © everett/www.iml.gr on p. 89; Module 
4: © Warren Faidley-Weatherstock.com on p. 100.

Every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders. If any have been inadvertently overlooked, the publishers will be 
pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity.

Английский язык. 10 класс : учеб. для общеобразоват. организаций : углубл. уровень/  
[К. М. Баранова, Д. Дули, В. В. Копылова и др.]. — 10-е изд., стер. — М. : Express Publishing : 
Просвещение, 2022. — 200 с. : ил. — (Звёздный английский). 
ISBN 978-5-09-087468-7.

Учебник является центральным элементом учебно-методического комплекта серии «Звёздный английский» для 10 класса общеобразовательных 
организаций и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка. Отличительными особенностями учебника являются: модульное построение, наличие 
аутентичного материала о России, заданий, целенаправленно готовящих к Единому государственному экзамену по английскому языку. Материалы 
учебника способствуют достижению личностных, метапредметных и предметных результатов обучения.
УДК 373:811.111+811.111(075.3)
ББК 81.432.1я721.6

Учебное издание

Серия «Звёздный английский»

Баранова Ксения Михайловна
Дули Дженни
Копылова Виктория Викторовна
Мильруд Радислав Петрович
Эванс Вирджиния

Английский язык

10 класс

Учебник для общеобразовательных организаций

Углублённый уровень

Редакция английского языка
Заведующий редакцией Т. О. Звонарёва
Ответственный за выпуск М. М. Чердакова
Редактор Ю. А. Смирнов  
Художественный редактор Н. В. Дождева
Корректоры И. Б. Окунева, Н. Д. Цухай

Налоговая льгота — Общероссийский классификатор продукции ОК 005-93-953000. Изд. лиц. Серия ИД № 05824 от 12.09.01. 
Подписано в печать 03.08.2021. Формат 60x90/8. Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура Прагматика. Печать офсетная. Уч.-изд. л. 25,04. 
Тираж              экз. Заказ №                .
Акционерное общество «Издательство «Просвещение». Российская Федерация, 127473, Москва, ул. Краснопролетарская, д. 16, стр. 
3, этаж 4, помещение I.
Express Publishing. Liberty House, New Greenham Park, Newbury, Berkshire RG19 6HW Tel.: (0044) 1635 817 363 Fax: (0044) 1635 817 
463 e-mail: inquiries@expresspublishing.co.uk http://www.expresspublishing.co.uk

Адрес электронной почты «Горячей линии» — vopros@prosv.ru.

ISBN 978-5-09-087468-7 
© Express Publishing, 2014, 2017
© Издательство «Просвещение», 2014, 2019
     Все права защищены  


З © АО «Издательство «Просвещение» для коллекции ООО «ЗНАНИУМ »

Speaking &

  1 Sports &
(pp. 5-34)

means of
Word power:
ways to walk

(p. 9)
relative clauses
(p. 9)
present tenses
(p. 13)
past tenses 
(p. 16)

A Journey Under
the Sea 
(multiple choice)
(pp. 6-7)
The London
(text completion)
(pp. 10-11)

(pp. 14-15)

for opinion/
for gist
for specific

talking about a
film you have
contrasting ideas

an email to a
friend of yours
about a travel
experience you
a short review of
a film
letters/emails of

Across Cultures – Transport (p. 26)                              Progress Check 1 (p. 31)
Literature – Journey to the Centre of the Earth (p. 28)      Focus on RNE (p. 32)
Green Issues – Our Energy Resources (p. 30)

  2 Food & Health
(pp. 35-66)

eating habits
food allergies
Word power:

speech (p. 39)
(p. 42)
future tenses
(p. 43)
(p. 46)
(p. 47)

Mirror, Mirror
on the wall ...
(multiple choice)
(pp. 36-37)
Live long and
(text completion)
(pp. 40-41)
The World of
(pp. 44-45)

for gist
for specific
for detail

offer/refuse –
asking for/
giving advice
persuading –
a decision
a picture

a summary of a
a short text
about working in
the emergency
letters/emails of
expository essays

Across Cultures – British & Russian Food (p. 58)            Progress Check 2 (p. 63)
Literature – The War of the Worlds (p. 60)                    Focus on RNE (p. 64)
Curricular Cut – Food Technology (p. 62)

  3 Travel Time 
(pp. 67-98)

festivals &
types of travel
Word power:
ways to look

adverbs (p. 71)
be/get/used to/
would (p. 75)

A Fair to go
Cuckoo About 
(multiple choice)
(pp. 68-69)
(text completion)
(pp. 72-73)
Been there, done
(pp. 76-77)

for specific
for opinion

asking about/

a short letter to
a frie nd
a short
description of
a place of interest
inviting/accepting –

Across Cultures – World Heritage Sites (p. 90)              Progress Check 3 (p. 95)
Literature – Lost Horizon (p. 92)                                   Focus on RNE (p. 96)
Green Issues – Eco-Tourism (p. 94)



З © АО «Издательство «Просвещение» для коллекции ООО «ЗНАНИУМ »

Speaking &

  4 Environmental
(pp. 99-128)

Word power:

(p. 103)
the passive 
(p. 107)
wishes (p. 110)
linkers (p. 116)

Into the Eye of
the Storm 
(multiple choice)
(pp. 100-101)
Save the
(text completion)
(pp. 104-105)
(pp. 108-109)

for specific
for gist
for detail

expressing concern
repeating &
reasons for
taking/sharing a

a summary of
a text
the weather
report for

Across Cultures – Disasters (p. 120)                             Progress Check 4 (p. 125)
Literature – Moby Dick (p. 122)                                    Focus on RNE (p. 126)
Curricular Cut – Geography (p. 124)

  5 Modern Living 
(pp. 129-158)

Word power:
artificial, fake,

(there, it) 
(p. 132)
all, both,
whole, either,
neither, none,
every (p. 133)
the causative 
(p. 136)
(p. 137)
far, every,
each, much,
too, even,
a bit, any
(p. 141)
(p. 141)

The Designer
(multiple choice)
(pp. 130-131)
- the next big
(text completion)
(pp. 134-135)
Signs of the
(pp. 138-139)

for specific
for detail
for gist

giving & justifying
an opinion on a

a short article
your opinion

Across Cultures – Heroes (p. 150)                               Progress Check 5 (p. 155)
Literature – The Caves of Steel (p. 152)                         Focus on RNE (p. 156)
Green Issues – Energy Efficiency (p. 154)

Grammar Practice Section (pp. 159-184)
Further Writing Practice (pp. 185-190)
Appendix I – Phrasal Verbs (pp. 191-195)
Appendix II – Verbs, Adjectives, Nouns with Prepositions/Prepositional Phrases (pp. 196-200)
Appendix III – Spelling Rules (p. 200)
Appendix IV – Pronunciation (p. 200)
Irregular Verbs
задание рекомендуется выполнять
в личной тетради учащегося

З © АО «Издательство «Просвещение» для коллекции ООО «ЗНАНИУМ »

Module 1

Sports & Entertainment

 ▶   Look at Module 1

      •   Describe the pictures.
      •   Which units are the pictures from? What is
each unit about? 

 ▶   Find the page numbers for

      •    a proverb                                          
      •    an article about a stadium                  
      •    a famous magician                              
      •    a clown                                             
      •    beginnings & endings of letters/mails   

 ▶   Listen, read and talk about ...
      •    sporting activities
      •    sporting events
      •    journeys & means of transport
      •    entertainment

 ▶   Learn how to ...
      •    express interest/preferences/opinion/attitude
      •    describe pictures
      •    compare & contrast ideas
      •    speculate

      •    describe objects and places
      •    give personal information

 ▶   Practise ...
      •    present and past tenses
      •    relative clauses
      •    comparatives/superlatives
      •    phrasal verbs: take, make, set, put, see

 ▶   Write/Make ...
      •    an email about a travel experience
      •    a paragraph about the means of transport you
      •    a film review
      •    a presentation on unusual means of transport 
       •    a short article about how to save energy at home
      •    a letter/email of complaint

Across Cultures: Transport





Units 1-13


Literature: Journey to the Centre of the Earth

Green Issues: Our Energy Resources

З © АО «Издательство «Просвещение» для коллекции ООО «ЗНАНИУМ »

Recently, my wife and I came upon an advertisement in a travel magazine
for an international exchange programme promising “the chance of a lifetime”.
Not one to let such an intriguing opportunity pass me by, but a bit hesitant
about taking such a leap into the unknown, I did some research and
discovered that the programme involved something called house-swapping. 
After much discussion, my family and I decided to, as they say, go for it.
Consequently, we were soon setting off for a holiday in the Peak District of
England while our exchange partners were settling down for their vacation in
our flat back home in Mt Vernon, Washington. The exchange was for a month
and the time passed quickly. To end our time away on a high note, we decided
to travel to Paris via the engineering marvel known as the Channel Tunnel. 
Being on a fairly tight budget, we opted for a package deal which
included round-trip tickets on the Eurostar passenger train, five nights in a
three-star hotel in Paris, Metro passes and unlimited use of the Paris bus
system. When the package still hadn't arrived after a week, I began to think
that perhaps our trip hadn't been such a good idea after all. Maybe it was a
sign that we shouldn't go. 
The tickets and vouchers eventually arrived and I scolded myself for
having had such silly thoughts. On the day of departure, with plenty of time to
spare, my two teenage children, my wife and I stood waiting eagerly on the
platform at St Pancras Station. At exactly 7.57 am, we boarded our train and
began our journey through the picturesque county of Kent. About half an
hour into our journey, an announcement, in both English and French, informed
us that we were about to enter the Channel Tunnel.
The Eurostar adverts had boasted proudly about the ‘Chunnel' engineering
feat and the convenience it offered to those travelling between England and the
Continent. They had spoken highly of the “lack of rough seas” and to me, a person
who gets seasick very easily, this was a major selling point. When all is said and
done, however, I must admit that there were moments when I felt quite nervous
about travelling 50 metres below the bottom of the English Channel.
Inside the tunnel itself, there really wasn't much to grab my attention – no
posters or other artwork – so I busied myself studying the occupants of our
carriage. Some calmly read novels or newspapers; others quietly looked through
business reports and notes. I quickly realised, however, that most of my fellow
passengers were like my family in that they looked excited and very happy to be
enjoying such a novel travel experience.
Our underwater journey ended as quickly as it had begun. All of a sudden,
we left the darkness of the tunnel behind and nosed out into the light of the
pleasant French morning. The tracks being well-built, we quickly accelerated
to 300 kph, the speed of a Boeing 747 at takeoff. We arrived in Paris's busy
city centre a mere 2 hours after leaving London. That journey, and indeed the
whole time that we spent on the exchange programme, have given us all a
yearning for new experiences, and many wonderful memories that we will
cherish forever.













Reading & Listening

1     Describe picture A: where it was taken;
time of year; how people feel. 

2    Look at the map. Which countries can you
see? How are the landmarks in picture B
related to the map?

Read the text and complete
tasks 1-7. In each task choose number 1, 2,
3 or 4. Then translate lines 28-47 from the
text into Russian.

Read the last sentence in each
paragraph. What is the article about? Listen,
read and check.

З © АО «Издательство «Просвещение» для коллекции ООО «ЗНАНИУМ »

..... programme
 2   on a(n) ..... note
 3   ..... budget
 4   ..... deal
 5   ..... reports

 6   ..... seas
 7   ..... experience
 8   ..... my attention
 9   to ..... memories
10   ..... opportunity

Complete with: high, cherish, rough, travel,
tight, grab, package, exchange, business, intriguing.
Make sentences based on the text, using the


5    Match the words/phrases in bold to their
definitions: passengers in,chance, reprimanded,
sped up, longing for, achievement, decided on,
eased forward, different, usefulness, attractive,
doing something without having previous
experience of it, endless.


8   Portfolio: Use your answers from Ex. 7 to
write an email to a friend of yours about your
travel experience (80-120 words).

Multiple Choice

Read the text quickly to get an idea of what it is about. Read each statement stem, then find
the part of the text which the statement refers to. Go through the choices and choose the one
that fits best. The information in the text might be rephrased in the completed statement.


7    Work in pairs. Imagine you have been on an
interesting journey. Tell your partner about
your journey. Say:

•   where you went and which means of transport
you used
•   how long you went for and the reason for
your journey
•   what you did during your stay there 

In pairs, ask and answer questions based on
the text.

 1        The writer first learned about the
house-swapping scheme
           1   from his wife.
           2   purely by chance.
           3   through a travel agent.
           4   by doing research.
 2        The writer uses the phrase ‘go for it’
(paragraph 2) to express the idea of
           1   taking a risk.              3   flying on a jet.
           2   going abroad.            4   having a choice.
 3        Why did the writer chose the package
           1   They wanted to travel via the Channel
           2   It included a stay in a top-class hotel.
           3   It was cheap for what it offered.
           4   It allowed them to use the Metro and
bus system.
 4        The writer was most attracted by the
fact that the Eurostar train
           1   travelled so far below sea level.
           2   was unaffected by sea conditions.
           3   offered a convenient way to travel.
           4   used such a well-designed tunnel.

 5        During his journey through the tunnel,
the writer
           1   studied a business report.
           2   looked at the other passengers.
           3   read a novel about travelling.
           4   wished the journey would end quickly.
 6        We learn from the writer that 
           1   the trip from London to Paris took
3 hours.
           2   the train accelerates faster than a Boeing
           3   the train’s top speed is 300 kph. 
           4   Paris’s city centre is busier than
 7        What was the result of the writer’s
           1   He began to think more about the past.
           2   He saw the value of doing new things.
           3   He realised his journey was special.
           4   He saw that he needn’t have worried so

З © АО «Издательство «Просвещение» для коллекции ООО «ЗНАНИУМ »


When the Channel Tunnel opened, many people had high
1) ..... (expect). Instead of travelling for up to 3 hours by
sea, the tunnel appeared to be an 2) ..... (attract)
alternative. However, the Channel Tunnel project ran into
some unexpected 3) ..... (difficult). For example, nobody
had imagined that there might be a power 4) ..... (fail),
leaving the passengers stranded in the tunnel for hours.
5) ..... (obvious), problems like this have been overcome
and the tunnel now satisfies passengers’ 6) ..... (require) for
a fast and enjoyable journey.

e.g.  catch a bus/a train ... etc.

2    Choose the correct word. Which means of
transport is each sentence about?

 1   Takeoff was delayed/missed for over an hour
because of bad weather.
 2   The compartment was so populated/crowded I
couldn’t get a seat so I had to stand all the way.
 3   I took a new direct route that was fast/speedy,
so I reached my destination in no time.
 4   The traffic/congestion on the motorway wasn’t
heavy, so it took us very little time to get there.
 5   The crossing was rough/bumpy and we both got
 6   We broke/fell down outside York and had to wait
for over an hour before someone came to get us.


get in(to)

get out of
get on(to)
get off


disembark from


a car
a motorbike
a bicycle

a train
a boat
a ship

a plane
a bus
a taxi

Vocabulary & Grammar

1     Say which of the following verbs are used
with the following means of transport.

Read the text given below.
Form derivatives from the words written in
brackets at the end of the lines and marked
by numbers 1-6 to make them match the
contents of the text grammatically and
lexically. Each gap corresponds with a
separate task from group 1-6.

Choose the correct word. Then translate
the sentences into Russian.

 1   Last year we had the ..... (occasion/opening/
benefit/opportunity) to travel to China.
  2   We reached the airport with plenty of time to .....
 3   John spoke ..... (strongly/greatly/highly/
extremely) of the service at this restaurant.
 4   The location of the hotel was a major selling .....
(detail/feature/point/aspect) of the holiday.
 5   The metro makes it easy to get around the .....
(busy/full/loud/energetic) city centre.
 6   We ..... (reached/got/had/arrived) London just
before 10 pm.
 7   The minister will ..... (do/have/form/make) an
announcement later.

 8   When all is ..... (said/spoken/told/stated) and
done, it’s his decision.
 9   There is a variety of marine life at the ..... (base/
bed/depth/bottom) of the sea.
10   Our journey was a unique ..... (travel/tour/
trip/journey) experience.

•   Phrasal verbs

Complete with the appropriate particle.
Check in Appendix I. Use the phrasal verbs
in a story of your own.

 1   Due to the heavy snow, no planes were able to
take ..... .
 2   Getting my money back when the flight was
cancelled didn’t make ..... missing an important
 3   Even though we set ..... late we still made it to the
airport in time.
 4   The terrible flight has put me ..... travelling by
plane again.
 5   Whenever I go on a long trip, my whole family
sees me ..... at the airport.

З © АО «Издательство «Просвещение» для коллекции ООО «ЗНАНИУМ »


Tenerife is a Spanish island 1) ..... is situated off the
coast of North Africa. Having visited many islands 2) .....
the nightlife is not very lively, I was thrilled when I saw
so many restaurants, cafés and discos in Tenerife. It is
a stunning island 3) ..... beauty captivates all those
4) ..... go there. That is the reason 5) ..... many people
visit the island year after year.

•   Relative clauses  GR p. 160

Complete with: where, whose, who,
which, why. Which of these words do we use
for: people? things/animals? places? reason?

9   Join the sentences with relative adverbs or

 1   The tourists were robbed. They are talking to the
 2   John is going on holiday to Ibiza. It is one of the
Balearic Islands.
 3   This is the shop. You can buy cheap clothes there.
 4   Where’s the milk? It was in the fridge.
 5   In 1995, Ben lived in London. He worked for The
 6   She tried on five skirts. None fitted her.
 7   Bob is a vet. He is my neighbour.
 8   He has three sisters. All of them are dentists.
  9   I met a woman. Her son knows you.

•   Comparatives/Superlatives   GR p. 159

6   Read the examples. Translate them into
your language. Are there similar structures
in your language? What are they?

He runs as fast as John.
She isn’t half as skilled as her sister.
Motorbikes are faster than bicycles.
This car is less expensive than that one.
Petrol is more expensive than diesel.
It’s getting hotter and hotter.
The earlier we leave, the sooner we’ll arrive.
This is the fastest car I’ve ever driven.

7    In pairs, use the structures in Ex. 6 and the
adjectives below to compare various means
of transport: comfortable, safe, economical,
polluting, fast, reliable, dangerous, expensive,
convenient, tiring, cramped, pleasant, leisurely,
inconvenient, slow, uncomfortable, relaxing etc.

e.g.  A:  Travelling by plane is faster and more
comfortable than travelling by car. 
      B:  However, travelling by car isn’t as expensive
as travelling by train.


Which means of transport do you
prefer? Why? Spend three minutes writing
about the topic. 


Who 1) ..... (not hear) of David Copperfield? Audiences
around the world consider him to be the greatest magician of
our time. Copperfield 2) ..... (be) born in the United States in
1956. He began performing magic at the age of 12 and
became 3) ..... (young) person ever admitted to the Society of
American Magicians. At 16, he was teaching a magic course
at New York University. He then began singing and
performing magic on stage in Chicago. At the age of 19, he
4) ..... (give) a break in television with his own show. His
career in the world of entertainment 5) ..... (take) off.
Since the 1970s, Copperfield 6) ..... (appear) in Emmy award-
winning television programmes, stage plays, films and
personal tours. He has travelled around the world and has
elevated the art of magic to new heights. In addition to 7) .....
(perform), he created a Broadway show, Dreams &
Nightmares, which broke all box-office records during its run
in New York City. “The secret,” says David, “is to consider
nothing impossible, then start treating possibilities as

Read the text given below. If
necessary, transform the words written in
brackets at the end of each line marked by
numbers 1-7 to make them match
grammatically with the contents of the
text. Each gap corresponds with a separate
task from group 1-7.

З © АО «Издательство «Просвещение» для коллекции ООО «ЗНАНИУМ »

Sports are a great way to keep fit.

Team sports teach us how to work
together to achieve a common goal.

Sports teach us to deal with success and failure.

Sports teach us to balance competitiveness.

Sports bring people together.

Sports help us relax.

1     a)  Which sports can you see in the pictures?
Which is your favourite one? How do you
think people benefit from doing sports?
Use the ideas to tell your partner. 

Listen to a person discussing the
questions above. Which of your points
does he mention?


Read the text and complete
gaps A-F with the parts of the sentences
marked by numbers 1-7. One part is extra.
Compare answers with your partner. Then
translate the first two paragraphs of the
text into Russian.

A healthy mind in a healthy body.

2    In groups, discuss the proverb.

Text completion

Read the text through, then read the list of
missing phrases. Start fitting the phrases into
the gaps. Match the topic of the missing
phrases with the topic of the phrase before and
after each gap. Look for clues such as
reference words (he, there, etc) or linking
words (which, but, where, etc) before or after
each gap. Check that the phrase you choose
fits grammatically and makes sense. Read the
completed text to see if it makes sense.



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Michael Scott talks about his success story of going from being a
sickly teenager to a London Marathon competitor. 

Growing up with a heart defect was difficult. While other kids my
age were going to football practice and on beach holidays with
their families, I was in and out of hospital. My only involvement in
a sporting competition was watching it on the television.

One of my favourite events to watch was the London Marathon.
When I was just 14, a man from London, named Chris Brasher,
organised the first London Marathon. It was 29 March 1981 and
7,747 people were involved in the race. Over the years, I
watched the event A) ..... . Now, there are 46,500 participants
each year from all corners of the world and of all levels of ability.
Many people say the marathon is the ultimate physical
challenge. Athletes have to train physically and mentally for
each marathon and be prepared for many challenges.

I always found it surprising to see how many well-trained athletes
did not complete the course each year. Out of the over 46,000
starters, on average, only 33,000 actually crossed the finishing
line. Some dropped out because of injury or illness, but most
just ‘hit the wall’, an infamous experience suffered when their
bodies simply ran out of fuel. For many runners, by the time they
reached the 30 to 35 km point in the race, they just couldn’t go

any further. Their muscles would cramp and their heart and
lungs could not obtain enough oxygen.

Each year, I tried to imagine what it would be like to line up
before all the crowds and run the 42.2 km route B) ..... . The race
started in Greenwich Park, then competitors would race along
the River Thames, towards Big Ben, and eventually ending in
front of Buckingham Palace. 

I decided to talk to my heart specialist and find out if there was
any chance that I could train my body to handle running 42.2
kms. At first, he thought I was joking, C) ..... . I began walking for
a few minutes at a time, increasing the intensity until I was able
to walk for 10 minutes a session. At the same time, I started lifting
weights to build muscle strength.

Over the course of a year, I progressed from just walking to
running. Running became a daily thing for me and I was building
more strength and confidence with every step. My doctor was
thrilled with my progress and allowed me to continue forward.

Finally, when I became 19, the time came to apply for the London
Marathon. I knew that only a certain number of people would be
allowed to enter the race and as much as I wanted to do this, I
knew that my chances were slim. The London Marathon is the
most challenging marathon in the world. I couldn’t believe how
far I had come and that finally my dream would come true.

My doctor and I worked together to set out a training schedule
D) ..... . Physically, I was fit and my heart appeared to be in good
condition. The biggest problem would be dehydration, as it
would be with all of the competitors. On average most of the
runners take four to five hours to complete the race and water is
essential to all of the competitors. The year before, 710,000
bottles of water had been consumed during the race!

Soon enough it was race day. My family, as well as my friends,
were all gathered to watch and support me. It was the most
difficult and the most exciting and rewarding experience of my
life. I finished the race in less than six hours, E) ..... .

Today, I am still running. I have not competed in the London
Marathon again F) ..... . I enjoy taking part in the atmosphere and
sharing my success story with the other athletes. I learned that as
long as I try my best and have faith in myself, I can do almost

4   Explain the words in bold. Then, in pairs,
ask and answer questions based on the text.

e.g.  Michael is very passionate because he cared so
much about the marathon.

6   What would you do if you were Michael?
Tell your partner.

Listening & Speaking

Listen as you read the text again.
Which of the following qualities best describe
Michael? Discuss it in pairs, giving reasons.

• determined  • passionate • persistent  • tolerant
• courageous  • stubborn

 1   but soon he realised how important this was to me
 2   that would allow me to safely complete the
entire 42.2 kms
 3   but later that year he would regret his decision
 4   which has grown into the biggest of its kind in the
 5   but I do volunteer each year to assist the
athletes in any way I can throughout the race
 6   which runs along roads, up hills and around some
of the most famous sights in London
 7   which was amazing since just a few years before
I was barely able to run across the garden



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Vocabulary & Grammar

Complete the exchanges. Use: team, go, score,
dirty, win, played, postponed, live, home, lost.

3    Choose the correct word. Check in
your dictionaries. Then translate the
sentences into Russian.

 1   The match was planned/settled/fixed/
agreed. They paid him so that he would
 2   Many fans were damaged/broken/injured/
wounded when the wall fell.
  3   The seating ability/capability/skill/capacity
of the stadium is 10,000. 
 4   His opponent/contestant/foe/ enemy
in the final match was his best friend.
 5   Jack finished the tennis match/ contest/
race/tournament in first place.
 6   He has faith/trust/belief/credit in himself
and believes he’ll make it. 
 7   Their chances of beating their opponents
are narrow/slim/little/ light. 
 8   Athletes must be in top physical state/

I took a trip to
Paris last week.


•   Word power (ways to walk)

2    a)  
Complete with: crawl, slip, creep, stagger,
wander, stray, march, sprint, trip in the correct

 1   We watched the athletes ..... into the stadium waving
their flags. (walk with regular steps as a group)
 2   Gymnasts must be careful not to ..... when performing on
the beam. (lose balance)
 3   The racing driver ..... slowly out of the wreckage
unharmed. (move on hands and knees)
 4   Two hours after the end of the match, there were still a
few fans  ..... around outside the stadium. (walk
 5   The thief ..... into the changing room to steal the
athletes’ valuables. (move quietly)
 6   On hearing the starting pistol, she ..... towards the first
hurdle. (run quickly)
 7   The boxer had been hit so hard, he ..... across the ring
and fell down. (walk unsteadily)
 8   Tom had ..... into the wrong part of the stadium and was
surrounded by fans of the other team. (wander away
from a place)
 9   If a horse ....., the rider may fall off and be seriously
injured. (knock one’s foot against something and

      b) Read the joke. What does trip mean?

•   Win/Gain

Complete with: win or gain. Make
sentences using them.

 1   win the election
 2   ..... an argument
 3   ..... weight
 4   ..... experience
 5   ..... a competition

 6   ..... a medal
 7   ..... speed
 8   ..... one’s

e.g.  He didn’t manage to win the election.

Complete the sentences with
the words: were involved, handle,
dropped out, obtain, defect, volunteer.

 1   I help out as a(n) ..... at the local marathon
every year.
 2   We didn’t know that you ..... with coaching
the ball team.
 3   After you ..... your pass, you can go and
meet the players. 
 4   The runner ..... of the race after he hurt his
 5   Because of his age, he didn’t think he
would be able to ..... the stress of the race.
 6   She was born with a heart ..... and must be
very careful when doing sports.

Oh, what a shame. 
Did you hurt yourself?

 1   A:  It’s a pity they ..... .
      B:  Yes, but everyone said it was a ..... game.
 2   A:  I’ve never ..... golf.
      B:  Why don’t you have a .....?
 3   A:  Are they playing at ..... this week?
       B:  No – the game has been ..... because of the bad weather.
 4   A:  Do you think they’ll .....?
      B:  If they ..... first, they’ll have a chance.
 5   A:  Have you ever seen a ..... basketball match?
      B:  No. I don’t like ..... sports.

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