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Английский язык для студентов, изучающих электронику (English for Students of Electronics)

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Учебник представляет собой базу для развития навыков и умений основных видов письменной и устной речевой деятельности, расширения словарного запаса обучаемых в профессиональной области, необходимую для дальнейшей самостоятельной работы студентов над специальной литературой. Имеет единую структуру уроков и упражнений, построенных на основе аутентичных текстов. Соответствует требованиям федеральных государственных образовательных стандартов среднего профессионального образования последнего поколения. Предназначен как для использования на практических занятиях, так и для самостоятельной работы.
Анюшенкова, О. Н. Английский язык для студентов, изучающих электронику (English for Students of Electronics) : учебник / О.Н. Анюшенкова. — Москва : ИНФРА-М, 2023. — 462 с. — (Среднее профессиональное образование). - ISBN 978-5-16-018509-5. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.ru/catalog/product/2016340 (дата обращения: 12.06.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.




УДК 811.111(075.32)
ББК 81.2Англ.я723

Анюшенкова О.Н.
Английский язык для студентов, изучающих электронику (English 
for Students of Electronics) : учебник / О.Н. Анюшенкова. — Москва : 
ИНФРА-М, 2023. — 462 с. — (Среднее профессиональное образование). 

ISBN 978-5-16-018509-5 (print)
ISBN 978-5-16-111509-1 (online)
Учебник представляет собой базу для развития навыков и умений основных 
видов письменной и устной речевой деятельности, расширения 
словарного запаса обучаемых в профессиональной области, необходимую 
для дальнейшей самостоятельной работы студентов над специальной литературой. 
Имеет единую структуру уроков и упражнений, построенных 
на основе аутентичных текстов.
Соответствует требованиям федеральных государственных образовательных 
стандартов среднего профессионального образования последнего 
Предназначен как для использования на практических занятиях, так 
и для самостоятельной работы. 

УДК 811.111(075.32)
ББК 81.2Англ.я723

А в т о р:
Анюшенкова О.Н., старший преподаватель Финансового университета 
при Правительстве Российской Федерации

Р е ц е н з е н т ы:
Аревкина В.Т., кандидат филологических наук, доцент, заведующий 
кафедрой иностранных языков АО «НИЦ “Строительство”»;
Ким Ю.В., кандидат филологических наук, старший преподаватель 
Департамента английского языка и профессиональной коммуникации 
Финансового университета при Правительстве Российской Федерации

ISBN 978-5-16-018509-5 (print)
ISBN 978-5-16-111509-1 (online)
© Анюшенкова О.Н., 2023

Данная книга доступна в цветном  исполнении 
в электронно-библиотечной системе Znanium
Preface 7Part I. Electronic Components, Concepts and Terms9Unit 1. Structure of Matter ................................................................................................ 9Unit 2. Energy Bands ....................................................................................................... 16Text A. Valance Band, Conduction Band, and Forbidden Gap ...................................... 17Text B. Insulators, Semiconductors, and Conductors ..................................................... 23Unit 3. Hall Effect ........................................................................................................... 31Unit 4. Types of Currents ................................................................................................ 36Unit 5. Soldering .............................................................................................................. 41Part II. Resistors47Unit 1. Resistors. Overview ............................................................................................. 48Unit 2. Circuit Connections in Resistors ......................................................................... 54Unit 3. Non-Linear Resistors ........................................................................................... 61Unit 4. Linear Resistors ................................................................................................... 67Unit 5. Fixed Resistors .................................................................................................... 73Text A. Carbon Composition and Wire Wound .............................................................. 75Text B. Thick Film .......................................................................................................... 78Text C. Thin Film ............................................................................................................ 83Part III. Capacitors89Unit 1. Capacitors. Overview .......................................................................................... 89Unit 2. Circuit Connections in Capacitors ....................................................................... 97Unit 3. Variable Capacitors ........................................................................................... 104Unit 4. Fixed Capacitors ................................................................................................ 111Unit 5. Polarized Capacitors .......................................................................................... 118Text A. Electrolytic Capacitors ..................................................................................... 119Text B. Super Capacitors ............................................................................................... 124Part IV. Inductors130Unit 1. Inductors. Overview .......................................................................................... 130Unit 2. Inductance .......................................................................................................... 135Unit 3. Factors Affecting Inductance ............................................................................ 140Unit 4. Circuit Connections in Inductors ....................................................................... 144Unit 5. Types of Inductors ............................................................................................. 149Unit 6. RF Inductors ...................................................................................................... 153Part V. Transformers158Unit 1. Transformers ...................................................................................................... 158Text A. Overview .......................................................................................................... 158Text B. Step Up, Step Down Transformers & Turns Ratio .......................................... 162Unit 2. Types of Transformers ...................................................................................... 168Text A. Air-core Transformers ...................................................................................... 168
Text B. Iron Core Transformers & Auto Transformers ................................................ 172Unit 3. Transformers Based on Usage ........................................................................... 178Text A. Power Transformers and Measurement Transformers ..................................... 178Text B. Protection Transformers and Distribution Transformers ................................. 184Unit 4. Transformer Efficiency ..................................................................................... 189Part VI. Diodes and Relays193Unit 1. Diodes ................................................................................................................ 193Text A. Formation of a Diode ....................................................................................... 193Text B. Biasing of a Diode ............................................................................................ 196Unit 2. Junction Diodes ................................................................................................. 200Unit 3. Special Purpose Diodes ..................................................................................... 206Unit 4. Optoelectronic Diodes ....................................................................................... 212Text A. Photo Diode ...................................................................................................... 213Text B. Solar Cell .......................................................................................................... 215Text C. Light Emitting Diodes (LED) ........................................................................... 217Text D. Laser Diode ...................................................................................................... 221Text E. Solid State Devices ........................................................................................... 224Unit 5. Relays ................................................................................................................ 229Text A. How Relays Work & Electrical Characteristics of Relays .............................. 229Text B. Types of Relays ................................................................................................ 232Text C. Relay Terminals ................................................................................................ 237Part VII. Transistors241Unit 1. Transistors. Overview ....................................................................................... 241Unit 2. Types of Transistors .......................................................................................... 245Unit 3. JFET................................................................................................................... 250Unit 4. MOSFET & Comparison Between BJT, FET and MOSFET ........................... 253Part VIII. Electronic Circuits258Unit 1. Introduction ....................................................................................................... 258Unit 2. Types of Electronic Circuits .............................................................................. 263Unit 3. Signals ............................................................................................................... 269Part IX. Wave Shaping277Unit 1. Linear Wave Shaping ........................................................................................ 277Text A. Low Pass Filter ................................................................................................. 277Text B. High Pass Filter ................................................................................................ 281Text C. Band Pass Filter and Band Stop Filter .............................................................. 284Unit 2. Nonlinear Wave Shaping ................................................................................... 288Unit 3. Clamper Circuits ................................................................................................ 293Unit 4. Limiter & Voltage Multiplier ............................................................................ 297Part X. Power Supplies302Unit 1. Introduction ....................................................................................................... 302Unit 2. Rectification ...................................................................................................... 307
Unit 3. Rectifiers. Half-Wave Rectifier ......................................................................... 311Unit 4. Full Wave Rectifiers .......................................................................................... 316Text A. Center-Tapped Full-Wave Rectifier ................................................................. 317Text B. Bridge Full-Wave Rectifier .............................................................................. 320Unit 5. Filters ................................................................................................................. 325Text A. Overview .......................................................................................................... 325Text B. Series Inductor Filter and Shunt Capacitor Filter ............................................. 329Text C. L-C Filter and -Filter ...................................................................................... 333Unit 6. Regulators .......................................................................................................... 338Text A. Types of Regulators ......................................................................................... 339Text B. Zener Voltage Regulator, Transistor Series Voltage Regulator, and Transistor  
Shunt Voltage Regulator ............................................................................................... 342Text C. IC Regulators .................................................................................................... 347Unit 7. SMPS ................................................................................................................. 352Text A. Linear Power Supply (LPS) ............................................................................. 353Text B. Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS) ........................................................... 356Part XI. Testing Equipment and Troubleshooting Electronic  
Components362Unit 1. Electronic Test Equipment ................................................................................ 362Text A. Electrical Continuity Tester ............................................................................. 362Text B. Multimeter ........................................................................................................ 364Text C. Oscilloscope and Spectrum Analyzer ............................................................... 366Text D. Sound Pressure Level Meter ............................................................................ 367Unit 2. How to Test Different Electronic Components ................................................. 369Text A. How to Test a Relay ......................................................................................... 369Text B. How to Test the Relay Contacts ....................................................................... 371Text C. How to Test the Coil of a Relay ....................................................................... 373Text D. How to Test Alligator Clips ............................................................................. 375Text E. How to Test a Resistor ...................................................................................... 376Text F. How to Test a Capacitor ................................................................................... 377Text G. How to Test an Inductor ................................................................................... 380Text H. How to Test a Diode ......................................................................................... 381Text I. How to Test a Zener Diode ................................................................................ 385Text J. How to Test a Thermistor .................................................................................. 387Text K. How to Test a Fuse ........................................................................................... 390Text L. How to Test a Battery ....................................................................................... 392Text M. How to Test a Voltage Regulator .................................................................... 394Text N. How to Troubleshoot a Microphone ................................................................ 396Text O. How to Troubleshoot Speakers ........................................................................ 399
Part XII. Work in the Electronics Industry401Unit 1. Jobs in Electronics ............................................................................................. 401Unit 2. Hazards in Electronics Work ............................................................................. 407Unit 3. Skills for Successful Electronics Technicians Carreer ...................................... 413Unit 4. Applying for a Job ............................................................................................. 419Text A. Recruitment ...................................................................................................... 419Text B. How to Find the Right Job ................................................................................ 424Text . Preparing for a Job Interview ........................................................................... 426Text D. Tips for a Successful Interview ........................................................................ 430Unit 5. Business Correspondence .................................................................................. 433Unit 6. Tips for Making Presentations .......................................................................... 439English-Russian Dictionary of Abbreviations for Electronics (-
)441Table of Irregular Verbs 453List of Recommended Literature ().......................................................461 
















Preface (
 09.00.00 11.00.00 12.00.00 13.00.00 - 15.00.00 19.00.00 24.00.00 -26.00.00 27.00.00 


 : Part I. Electronic Components, Concepts and Terms; Part II. Resistors; Part III. 
Capacitors; Part IV. Inductors; Part V. Transformers; Part VI. Diodes and Relays; Part VII. Transistors; 
Part VIII. Electronic Circuits; Part IX. Wave Shaping; Part X. Power Supplies; Part XI. Testing Equip-
ment and Troubleshooting Electronic Components; Part XII. Work in the Electronics Industry, 
, . -

, , :  









Part I. Electronic Components, Concepts and Terms  

Unit 1. Structure of Matter 

2. Do you think students of electronics should learn the English language?  
3. Why did you decide to study electronics? 
4. Are you going to continue your study at the university? 

Ex. 1. Topical Vocabulary. Study the vocabulary list. Use the words and phrases in 
sentences of your own.  
matter (n) according to (adj) -consist of (v) charged (adj) nucleus (n) revolve (v) lower state/higher state excited (adj) remove (v) ionized (adj) move (v) prove (v) three-dimensional boundary (n) probable (adv) principal, azimuthal, magnetic, and spin quantum numbers (n) denote (v) angular (adj) designate (v) electron shell of the atom (n) value (n) imply (v) describe (v) equal (adv) indicate (v) vary in shape (n) figure (n) represent (v) --clockwise or anti-clockwise (adj) Pauli Exclusion Principle (n)  

Ex. 2. Consult a dictionary, write out the transcription and practice the pronunciation 
of the following words: 










Ex. 3. Read and translate the text. 

The matter is made up of molecules that consist of atoms.  

“the atom consists of a positively charged nucleus and several 
negatively charged electrons which revolve round the nucleus in various orbits”.  

When an electron is raised from a lower state to a 
higher state, it is said to be excited. While exciting, 
if the electron is completely removed from the 
nucleus, the atom is said to be ionized. So, the 
process of raising the atom from a normal state to 
this ionized state is called ionization. 

According an electron is said to 
be moved in a particular Orbit, whereas according 
to quantum mechanics, an electron is said to be somewhere in the free space of the atom, 
called an Orbital. This theory of quantum mechanics was proven to be right. Hence, a three-
dimensional boundary where an electron is probable to be found is called an Atomic 

Quantum Numbers. The set of numbers used to describe the position and energy of the 
electron in an atom is called quantum numbers. There are four quantum numbers, namely, 
principal, azimuthal, magnetic, and spin quantum numbers: 

Principal quantum number, denoted by n. 

Orbital angular momentum quantum number (or azimuthal quantum number), denoted 
by l. 

Magnetic quantum number, denoted by ml. 

The electron spin quantum number, denoted by ms. 

The Principal Quantum number designates the principal electron shell of the atom. It 
means the distance between the nucleus and the electrons. A larger value of the principal 
quantum number implies a greater distance between the electron and the nucleus (which, in 
turn, implies a greater atomic size). 

Angular (azimuthal) Momentum Quantum numberdescribes 
value is equal to the total number of angular nodes in the orbital. 
A value of the azimuthal quantum number can indicate either an 
s, p, d, or f subshell which varies in 


Magnetic Quantum number. This quantum number (ml) 
represents the orientation of an orbital around the nucleus. There 
are three P orbitals as in the following figure. 


The Spin Quantum number (ms) represents how the electron spins on the axis. The 
movement of the spinning of the electron could be either clockwise or anti-clockwise. 

Pauli Exclusion Principle. According to Pauli Exclusion 
Principle, no two electrons in an atom can have the same set 
of four identical quantum numbers. It means, that if any two 
electrons have the same values of n, s, and ml, then the l value 
would be different in them. It means, no two electrons will have 
the same energy. 

Electronic shells. An electron shell is the outside part of an atom around the atomic nucleus. 
It is a group of atomic orbitals with the same value of the principal quantum number n. 
Electron shells have one or more electron subshells or sublevels. 






Ex. 4. Answer the following questions: 

1. What is the matter? 
2. What does a molecule consist of? 
3. When is an electron excited? 
4. What is ionization? 
5. What is an Orbital? 
6. What is an Atomic Orbital? 
7. What are the quantum numbers? 
8. What is the Principal Quantum number? 
9. What does the Angular (azimuthal) Momentum Quantum number describe? 
10. What does the Magnetic Quantum number represent? 
11. What does the Spin Quantum number represent? 
12. What does the Pauli Exclusion Principle mean? 
13. What are electronic shells? 
Ex. 5. Match the words with their definitions. 

1. matter 
a. to change something or be changed into ions 

2. nucleus 
b. having angles or sharp corners 

3. to revolve 
c. physical substance that everything in the world is made of; not 

mind or spirit 

4. to excite 
d. the same in size, quantity, value, etc. as something else 

5. to ionize 
e. to make a part of the body or part of a physical system more 


6. boundary 
f. the part of an atom that contains most of its mass and that carries 

a positive electric charge 

7. angular 
g. a real or imagined line that marks the limits or edges of 


8. equal 
h. to go in a circle around a central point 


Ex. 6. Provide the Russian equivalents of the following English words and phrases. 

molecules consist of atoms, positively charged nucleus, and negatively charged electrons, to 
revolve around in various orbits, to be excited, to be ionized, ionization, in a particular orbit, 
according to quantum mechanics, three-dimensional boundary, is called quantum numbers, 
namely, principal, azimuthal, magnetic, spin quantum numbers, denoted by, subshell, 
electrons spin on the axis, clockwise or anti-clockwise, the same energy. 

Ex. 7. Provide the English equivalents of the following Russian words and phrases. 

Ex. 8. Read the text and discuss the following in pairs: 

The Basics of Electricity. 

Students of electronics learn about the basics of electricity. First, they learn how electricity 
is created. This leads to an in-depth study of electrons. Then students learn about electrical 
charge, current, and resistance. They also find out how a material conducts current. 
Finally, students learn how to measure electricity. They study units of measurement such 
as amperes, volts, ohms, and watts. At the end of the class, students do a final project. 
Each student builds his or her own electrical circuit. 

1. What are some units of measurements for electricity?  
2. How are they different? 
3. Why is copper wire used in electrical wiring? 
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ru032Mfsfig. 
Ex. 9. Match the words (1-8) with the definitions (A-H). 

1. ampere 
a. the flow of electricity  

2. charge 
b. a unit that measures electrical resistance  

3. circuit 
c. how much an object opposes an electric current passing through it  

4. conduct 
d. a system of electrical conductors that electricity flows through 

5. current 
e. the act of electricity passing through an object  

6. electron 
f. the electric property of an object that makes it have a negative or 
positive force the particle in an atom that carries electric currents 

7. ohm 
g. the base unit of an electric current 

8. resistance 
h. the flow of electricity  


Ex. 10. Choose the sentence that uses the underlined part correctly. 

1. A. The electrical circuit is the base unit of current. 

B. The battery produces low volts of electricity. 

2. A. The light bulb produces 60 watts. 

B. He connected the ampere to the wire. 

3. A. The lightning ohm was so powerful, it knocked a tree down.  

B. The resistance 

Ex. 11. Case-study. In pair, act out the roleplay. 

Student A: You are a student in an electronics course. Ask Student B about: 

units of measurement 

what the units measure 

Student B: You are a professor in an electronics course. Talk to Student A about units of 

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