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In Lingua Veritas

Основная коллекция
Артикул: 802277.01.99
Сборник составлен на основе материалов студенческих научных семинаров "IN LINGUA VERITAS”, организованных кафедрой иностранных языков факультета международных отношений, политологии и зарубежного регионоведения Историко-архивного института РГГУ.
Павленко, О. В. In Lingua Veritas : сборник статей по материалам студенческих научных семинаров / под ред. О. В. Павленко. - Москва : РГГУ, 2022. - 463 с. - ISBN 978-5-7281-3029-1. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/1991955 (дата обращения: 03.06.2024)
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное
учреждение высшего образования
Факультет международных отношений, 
политологии и зарубежного регионоведения
Кафедра иностранных языков

Federal state budgetary educational institution 
of higher education
Faculty of international relations, 
political science and area studies 
Foreign languages department



Collection of articles
based on student scientific seminars




Сборник статей
по материалам студенческих научных семинаров



УДК 327:811(08) 
ББК 66.4+81.2я43 

Под редакцией кандидата исторических наук,
профессора, первого проректора –
проректора по научной работе О.В. Павленко

Материалы публикуются в авторской редакции

©  Российский государственный 
ISBN 978-5-7281-3029-1 
гуманитарныйуниверситет, 2021 


Редакционная коллегия

И.Р. Болквадзе, канд. экон. наук, проректор по административной   и социальной 
работе РГГУ
Н.А. Борисов, д-р полит.  наук, доцент, начальник Управления по научной работе 
Е.М. Кожокин, д-р ист. наук, профессор, декан факультета международных 
отношений, политологии и зарубежного регионоведения ИАИ РГГУ
В.И. Журавлева, д-р ист. наук, профессор, замдекана по научной работе,

отношений, политологии и зарубежного регионоведения ИАИ РГГУ
Л.А. Халилова, канд. филол. наук, профессор, завкафедрой иностранных языков 

регионоведения ИАИ РГГУ
И.Б. Антонова, канд. пед. наук, профессор кафедры иностранных языков 

регионоведения ИАИ РГГУ
Т.В. Баранова, канд. пед. наук, доцент, доцент кафедры иностранных языков 

регионоведения ИАИ РГГУ
П.А. Анисимов, замдекана по работе со студентами факультета международных 

преподаватель кафедры зарубежного регионоведения и внешней политики 

регионоведения ИАИ РГГУ
Т.А. Маркелова, ст. преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков факультета 
международных отношений, политологии и зарубежного регионоведения ИАИ 
С.Ж. Умарканова, ст. преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков факультета 
международных отношений, политологии и зарубежного регионоведения ИАИ 
РГГУ (отв. за выпуск)
Е.Н. Гурьянова, ст. преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков факультета 
международных отношений, политологии и зарубежного регионоведения ИАИ 
Р.А. Гейзерская, канд. пед. наук, доцент, доцент кафедры иностранных языков 

регионоведения ИАИ РГГУ




O.O. Aplekaeva, I.V. Ganzhara
Opportunities for higher education in the field
of records management  ................................................................  16

D.A. Bakalina, I.V. Ganzhara
The language of diplomatic correspondence  ...............................  25

K.A. Barmatina, T.A. Markelova
How to be a modern journalist?  ................................................... 

A.V. Bondarenko, A.A. Pyatunina
Austrofascism and the Republic of Austria (1934–1938):
between two dictatorships (in German)  .......................................  50

J.P. Briukhova, R.A. Geyzerskaya 
Anglicisms in the Chinese language  ............................................  60

C.D. Chirkova, I.V. Ganzhara
Establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia 
and China in the 17th century  ......................................................  69

A.S. Dusukova, L.A. Khalilova
Major conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa
and humanitarian assistance  .........................................................  81

K.K. Dzabieva, L.A. Khalilova
Mutinous Prince: a puppet or a real menace?  ..............................  93

V.A. Fetisova, А.A. Selnitsin
The Arctic Council in the reflection of the Norwegian media
on the example of Aftenposten, Klassekampen, NRK, VG  .........  106



S.A. Filin, A.A. Pjatunina
German christian missions in Africa (in German)  .......................  117

A.V. Fomenko, R.A. Geyzerskaya
Evolution migration process of PRС in the 20th century  ............  126

S.A. Gamidova, N.Yu. Suchugova
Musical instruments’ usage in the museum:
the past and the present  ................................................................  137

A.A. Gasparian, A.A. Vlasov
Language and a woman in Spanish (in Spanish)  .........................  147

A.V. Gorsheva, R.A. Geyzerskaya
Chinese political culture: history and modernity  ......................... 158

K.A. Gudkova, L.A. Khalilova
Features of gender policy in Arab countries  ................................  169

P.U. Karpenko, A.A. Vlasov
The English language dominance in post-colonial states ................ 181

D.A. Khachatryan, A.A. Pjatunina
The Evolution of Foreign Policy of the Federal Republic 
of Germany (1966–1974) (in German)  ........................................  189

E.A. Kochanov, R.A. Geyzerskaya
Features of the English language for transport specialties  ........... 200

A.S. Kondrashova, E.Yu. Kamysheva
Career success in the context of global business 
environment  .................................................................................  211

P.A. Kozhukhovskaya, L.A. Khalilova
Current issues of Arab-Israeli relations  ........................................ 223



A.M. Kurochkina, A.A. Vlasov
Lingua franca as a linguistic form and function 
of the language (in Spanish) .........................................................  235

S.A. Madyan, L.A. Khalilova
International relations: global warming as a basis
for cooperation and unification of the world community  ............ 243

M.A. Malinin, E.N. Guryanova
Diplomatic prowess in the Cuban Missile Crisis – How Kennedy
and Khrushchev renounced nuclear war  ......................................  254

T.A. Mayakina, N.Yu. Suchugova
Understanding national identity through the eyes 
of Korean contemporary artists, kimsooja and Suh Doho  ........... 268

S.V. Melnikova, V.A.Kasatkina, I.V. Ganzhara
Memoirs as a key for understanding 
diplomatic documents  ..................................................................  281

P.D. Nechaeva, E.N. Guryanova
Public political image building: 
American and Russian Internet practices  ..................................... 295

A.V. Nikolaenko, A.A. Vlasov
The deaf community as a minority with its own culture 
and language (in Spanish)  ............................................................  305

K.A. Panfilova, R.A. Geyzerskaya
Human resource management concepts in the PRC before 
and during the Cultural Revolution  .............................................. 313

K.O. Peshkova, S.A Voronova
The rise of the right-wing populism in Germany. 
The origin (in German) .................................................................  323



A.A. Polishchuk, I.V. Ganzhara
The Inter-allied conferences of the Entente countries  ................. 333

A.S. Rogovtseva, N.V. Bannikova
Psychedelic Рerformance in the US (1960s)  ................................  343

R.R. Romanov, L.A. Khalilova
Food for thought: mulling over the US presidential elections
just before they happen  ................................................................  354

D.Sh. Saidov, S.Zh. Umarkanova
The development of Spanish-Argentine diplomatic cooperation
at the turn of the 20–21 centuries  .................................................  366

S.I. Saveleva, R.A. Geyzerskaya
Humanitarian cooperation of China and Russia 
at the border of 20–21centuries  ....................................................  374

M.A. Soboleva, E.E. Nozdrina
Positive impact of the foreign language learning process
on the student’s personality  .......................................................... 383

P.M. Tikhonova, E.N. Guryanova
Maori: from past to present  ..........................................................  394

S.V. Tishkova, S.A. Voronova
Elizabeth of Austria and diplomacy (in German)  ........................  405

V.D. Titov, A.A. Vlasov
The dominant role of the English language
in the period of globalization  .......................................................  415

P.V. Vasilyevykh, S.Zh. Umarkanova
International collaboration in the Artificial Intelligence field:
AI application in pandemic response  ...........................................  423



K. Vrndich, A.A. Pyatunina
Strategic vision: Germany and France in charge 
of the EU defence policy (in German)  .........................................  432

S.G.Yusupov, S.Zh. Umarkanova
The role of international organizations in global governance ......  443

U. A. Zhegalova, R.A. Geyzerskaya
Studying Italian language through the songs  ...............................  452




О.О. Аплекаева, И.В. Ганжара
Возможности для получения высшего образования 
в области управления документами  .........................................  16

Д.А. Бакалина, И.В. Ганжара
Язык дипломатической переписки  ...........................................  25

К.А. Барматина, Т.А. Маркелова
Как стать совеременным журналистом?  ..................................  38

А.В. Бондаренко, А.А. Пятунина
Австрофашизм и Австрийская республика (1934–1938): 
между двумя диктатурами  .........................................................  50

Ю.П. Брюхова, Р.А. Гейзерская
Англицизмы в китайском языке ................................................  60

К.Д. Чиркова, И.В. Ганжара
Установление дипломатических отношений
между Россией и Китаем в XVII веке  ......................................  69

А.С. Дусукова, Л.А. Халилова
Основные конфликты в регионе Ближнего Востока
и Северной Африке и гуманитарная помощь  ..........................  81

К.К. Дзабиева, Л.А. Халилова
Непокорный принц: марионетка или реальная угроза?  .........  93

В.А. Фетисова, А.А. Сельницин
Арктический совет в отражении норвежских СМИ
на примере Aftenposten, Klassekampen, NRK, VG  ..................  106



С.А. Филин, А.А. Пятунина
Германские христианские миссии в Африке  ...........................  117

А.В. Фоменко, Р.А. Гейзерская
Эволюция миграционных процессов 
в КНР в ХХ в.  .............................................................................  126

С.А. Гамидова, Н.Ю. Сучугова
Использование музыкальных инструментов в музее:
прошлое и настоящее  .................................................................  137

А.А. Гаспарян, А.А. Власов
Язык и женщина в испанском языке  ........................................  147

А.В. Горшева, Р.А. Гейзерская
Политическая культура Китая: 
история и современность  ..........................................................  158

К.А. Гудкова, Л.А. Халилова
Характерные особенности гендерной политики 
в странах арабского региона  .....................................................  169

П.Ю. Карпенко, А.А. Власов
Доминирование английского языка 
в постколониальных государствах  ...........................................  181

Д.А. Хачатрян, А.А. Пятунина
Эволюция внешней политики ФРГ (1966–1974 гг.) ................. 189 

Е.А. Кочанов, Р.А. Гейзерская 
Особенности английского языка в профессиях, 
связанных с транспортом  ..........................................................  200

А.С. Кондрашова, Е.Ю. Камышева
Успешная карьера в условиях международного бизнеса  .......  211



П.А. Кожуховская, Л.А. Халилова
Современные проблемы арабо-израильских отношений  ....... 223

А.М. Курочкина, А.А. Власов
Лингва-франка как языковая форма и функция языка  ........... 235

С.А. Мадян, Л.А. Халилова
Международные отношения: глобальное потепление 
как основа коммуникации и объединения 
международного сообщества  ....................................................  243

М.А. Малинин, Е.Н. Гурьянова
Искусство дипломатии во время Карибского кризиса –
Как Кеннеди и Хрущёв отказались от ядерной войны  ...........  254

Т.А. Маякина, Н.Ю. Сучугова
Национальная идентичность глазами 
современных южнокорейских художников, 
kimsooja и Со Дохо  .....................................................................  268

С.В. Мельникова, В.А. Касаткина, И.В. Ганжара
Мемуары как ключ к пониманию
дипломатических документов  ...................................................  281

П.Д. Нечаева, Е.Н. Гурьянова
Построение публичного политического имиджа:
американские и российские Интернет практики  ....................  295

А.В. Николаенко, А.А. Власов
Глухое сообщество как меньшинство
со своей собственной культурой и языком  .............................. 305

К.А. Панфилова, Р.А. Гейзерская
Концепции управления персоналом в КНР
до и в период проведения Культурной революции  ................. 313



К.О. Пешкова, С.А. Воронова
Рост правого популизма в Германии. 
Исторические корни  .................................................................. 323

А.А. Полищук, И.В. Ганжара
Межсоюзнические конференции стран Антанты  ...................  333

А.С. Роговцева, Н.В. Банникова
Психоделический перформанс в США (1960-е годы)  ............ 343

Р.Р. Романов, Л.А. Халилова
Пища для размышлений:
раздумья накануне президентских выборов в США  ..............  354

Д.Ш. Саидов, С.Ж. Умарканова
Развитие испано-аргентинского дипломатического 
сотрудничества на рубеже XX–XXI вв.  ...................................  366

С.И. Савельева, Р.А. Гейзерская
Гуманитарное сотрудничество Китая и России
на рубеже XX–XXI вв.  ...............................................................  374

М.А. Соболева, Е.Е. Ноздрина
Позитивное влияние процесса изучения 
иностранного языка на личность студента  ..............................  383

П.М. Тихонова, Е.Н. Гурьянова
Маори: от прошлого к настоящему  ..........................................  394

С.В. Тишкова, С.А. Воронова
Елизавета Австрийская и дипломатия  .....................................  405

В.Д. Титов, А.А. Власов
Доминирующая роль английского языка
в период глобализации  .............................................................. 415



П.В. Васильевых, С.Ж. Умарканова
Международное сотрудничество 
в сфере искусственного интеллекта: применение ИИ 
в борьбе с пандемией  .................................................................  423

К. Врндич, А.А. Пятунина
Стратегическое видение: Германия и Франция 
у руля оборонной политики ЕС  ................................................  432

С.Г. Юсупов, С.Ж. Умарканова
Роль международных организаций 
в области глобального управления  ...........................................  443

У.А. Жегалова, Р.А. Гейзерская
Изучение итальянского языка с помощью песен  ....................  452


Opportunities for higher education in the field of records management

O.O. Aplekaeva

2th year student, faculty of archival studies and records management,

Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow

I.V. Ganzhara

senior lecturer, foreign languages department,

faculty of international relations, political science and area studies,

Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow

Abstract. The article considers the opportunities for obtaining a 

master’s degree in the field of records management in the modern world, 
master’s programs available in English and in Russian.

Keywords: records management, master’s program, University of 

Liverpool, University College Dublin, San Jose State University, Western 
Washington University, University of London, University of Glasgow, 
Russian State University for the Humanities

Возможности для получения высшего образования

в области управления документами

О.О. Аплекаева

студентка 2-го курса, 

факультет документоведения и архивоведения,

Российский государственный гуманитарный университет, Москва

И.В. Ганжара

ст. преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков 

факультета международных отношений, политологии

и зарубежного регионоведения,

Российский государственный гуманитарный университет, Москва

Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются возможности получения 

степени магистра в области делопроизводства в современном мире, 
магистерские образовательные программы доступные на английском и 
русском языках.

Ключевые слова. делопроизводство, магистерская программа, 

Ливерпульский университет, Дублинский университетский колледж, 


Государственный университет Сан-Хосе, Университет Западного 
Вашингтона, Лондонский университет, Университет Глазго, Российский 
государственный гуманитарный университет

Let's begin with a question. Why has this topic been chosen for 

the research? The fact is that graduate programs dedicated solely to the 
training of records managers have appeared quite recently. People who 
decided to continue a career in this area had to enroll in programs 
designed for archivists, librarians, or computer scientists. The records 
management lessons were only available as electives. Therefore, most 
of the important skills and knowledge had to be received in the process 
of working.

On-the-job training can improve practical skills, but almost 

always does not provide the theoretical foundation that strengthens 
knowledge and global understanding. Knowing how everything can be 
done in one place may not be mobile enough. This drawback restricts 
the understanding of the processes and principles and, therefore, 
impedes the opportunity to implement innovations and develop them.

Even if we claim that, in paper-based systems, managing 

records doesn't require theory but only a set of principles or methods, 
we need to recognize that the complexity of working with electronic 
documents has caused some theoretical and practical issues which need 
to be solved. Formal education has become the only effective way of 
teaching records managers new skills to work in this sphere [ Cox 2000, 
p 3.] That is why an attempt to consider the opportunities for obtaining 
a master’s degree in the field of RM in the modern world available in 
English and in Russian is made in this article. Several, most interesting 
and productive, MA programs that focus not only on the archival aspect 
of our profession but also on the process of managing records are 
considered to have a clear overview of the opportunities for mastering 
professional skills and abilities. These are the programs that provide 
comprehensive career prospects for graduates such as records 
managers, digital archivists and others.


University of Liverpool in the UK

The university offers a master's program entitled Archives and 

Records Management. This program provides you with the knowledge 
you need to continue a career in archives and records management in 
research, business, government, education – actually anywhere that 
highly-qualified professionals are necessary. This program provides 12 
months full-time study or 24 months part-time study and has some 
specific entry requirements, besides, relevant work experience to 
demonstrate your knowledge of the archives and record keeping 
profession. A distinctive feature of this program is that the training 
takes place in the form of interactive lectures or seminars and 
workshops in small groups, because this creative format leads to better 
cooperation between students and teachers [The official website of the 
university of Liverpool 2021].

University College Dublin

The university suggests a master’s degree program “Archives 

and Records Management”. It is delivered on campus and accepted by 
students for 1 year in the case of full-time study, but there is the 
possibility of distance learning, in which case the duration is 2 years. 
This Ma program is an entry-level professional qualification for 
archivists and records managers in Ireland and around the world. This 
program has an international reputation and many years of accreditation 
by the Archives and Records Association of UK and Ireland.

Let's take a look at some advantages of this program: First of 

all, it is based on the concept of a record manager as an intellectual 
professional, informed about adherence to international best practice, is 
creative in service delivery, is sensitive to cultural differences and is 
dynamic in relation to technological shifts. Secondly, the learning 
environment of the program consists not only of lectures and seminars 
but also of workshops, field trips, practitioner visits, internships and 
work placement. Thirdly, on-site facilities enable students to gain
hands-on experience in archiving, processing and digitizing documents, 
often working in collaboration with external archival repositories. In 


addition, teaching and learning is based on enabling students to 
complete assignments both individually and in groups with other 
students that practically simulate the work of a professional records 
manager. This program places more emphasis on archival science than 
on working with paper-based documents. However, it offers some 
courses related to records and information management in public or 
private organizations, so the career prospects are really huge [The 
official website of the University College Dublin 2021].

Western Washington University

Next program worth paying attention to is “History, Archives 

and Records Management” master program provided by Western 
Washington University. Students learn basic principles of archives and 
managing records, explore different useful techniques of selecting, 
organizing, and using recorded information, and gain hands-on 
experience in realising these methods during their long-term internship. 
The program is grounded in the study of history, so it recognizes the 
value of historical knowledge and understanding of historical processes 
as a basis for identifying and preserving records of lasting value to 
society. Despite the fact that it prepares students for professional careers 
in both archives and records management, a very important object of 
studying there is history. A student of this program will receive a degree 
of Master of Arts in history with a certificate in archives and records 
management [ The official website of Western Washington University 

University of London

And now a short piece of information about the program “Archives 

and Records Management” delivered by the University of London. It 
focuses on the management of records and archives in a variety of 
digital and hard copy formats. As for advantages, students pay more 
attention to both management of records for current purposes, and their 
selection, preservation and accessibility for future uses including 
historical research. As for career prospects, students benefit from the 


department's links with employers in the information professions which 
provide them with real useful experience through guest lectures, visits 
and internships. Students also receive specific careers advice, including 
how to write a resume [The official website of UCL 2021].

University of Glasgow

Among the other universities providing Records Management 

programs that are worth considering is University of Glasgow in 
Scotland, where much attention is paid to the management of digital 
records and electronic resources. The program is entitled “Information 
management and preservation”. Students of this program have an 
opportunity to complete a two-week work placement in an archive, 
records management or digital repository. As a graduate a student may 
be accredited by both the Archives & Records Association and CILIP 
(Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals), which 
will provide valuable professional recognition in both the archive and 
records management spheres [The official website of the University of 
Glasgow 2021].

San Jose State University

Currently, students do not have to go to a university to acquire 

knowledge; many universities provide opportunities to study, using 
distance learning technologies. Some educational institutions offer a 
Master's Degree in Records Management and Archives through online 
programs. One such institution is San Jose State University, which 
offers the online Master of Science in Archives and Documentation 
Administration. It takes students 2 years to study. This university 
offers the MARA (Master of Archives and Records Administration) 
degree. There is no other master's degree in Archival studies and 
Records Management in the United States, although specializations and 
certifications in Archives and Records Management are available 
through several Master of Library science and Master of History 
Students of this program learn to use sophisticated 

technologies to organize, preserve, and provide access to a growing