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Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research, 2022, № 13 (15)

научный журнал
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Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research : научный журнал. - Воронеж : АНО Научно-исторический центр "Мировая история", 2022. - № 13 (15). - 147 с. - ISSN 2658-5561. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/1878217 (дата обращения: 30.05.2024)
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 ©  Journal  «Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research»,  № 13 (15), 2022, e-ISSN 2658-5561

 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 


Date of publication: January 5, 2022 
DOI: 10.52270/26585561_2022_13_15_3 

Historical Sciences 


Gruza, Maria Sergeevna1, Vyalykh, Nadezhda Nikolaevna2, Dushkin, Oleg 
Anatolyevich3, Shcherbina, Irina Vitalievna4, Nikiforova, Lyubov Alexandrovna5

1Senior Lecturer, Voronezh State Technical University, 20 years of October street, 84, Voronezh, 
Russia, E-mail: mgruza@yandex.ru

2Senior Lecturer, Voronezh State Technical University, 20 years of October street, 84, Voronezh, 
Russia, E-mail: vyalix.nadia@yandex.ru

3Senior Lecturer, Voronezh State Technical University, 20 years of October street, 84, Voronezh, 
Russia, E-mail: fisruk@icloud.com

4Lecturer, Voronezh State Technical University, 20 years of October street, 84, Voronezh, Russia, 
E-mail: sherbina702irina@gmail.com

5Senior Lecturer, Voronezh State Technical University, 20 years of October street, 84, Voronezh, 
Russia, E-mail: nikiforovala@inbox.ru


The article examines the historical aspects of the mass sports movement in Russian universities. It 
should be recognized that during the reform years of the 1990s-2000s, the promotion of a healthy lifestyle and 
the values of physical culture and sports was carried out haphazardly. The ideal of physical health, the most 
important component of a lifestyle, has not been formed. Sport as a factor of the country's image remained in 
oblivion. The multiple increase in the cost of services in the field of physical culture and sports has made the 
objects of physical culture and sports, tourism and recreation inaccessible to the population of the country. As a 
result, a healthy lifestyle of people has not acquired the status of moral value. Only in recent years, sport has 
increasingly acquired the features of one of the directions of state policy and the educational function of public 
organizations, professional and creative unions. 

Keywords: sport, person, health, history, society. 

 ©  Journal  «Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research»,  № 13 (15), 2022, e-ISSN 2658-5561 


  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 



The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that physical education of university youth is directly related 
to the implementation of modern youth and demographic policy in the Russian Federation. The quality of the 
human and personnel potential of the future Russia depends on the state of physical training of student youth. 
In this regard, the analysis and generalization of the Soviet experience in the formation of physical culture and 
sports-mass work among students seems to be topical. Sports collectives of universities at all stages of 
development of national sports were the vanguard of the physical culture movement and promoters of the mass 
physical culture movement among urban and rural youth. The transformation of the economy and social sphere 
is associated with the growing role of the younger generation in the life of Russian society. The youth factor is 
becoming a determining factor in the domestic community. Health, education, professionalism, general culture 
and civic maturity of the young generation of Russians determine the quality of labor and defense potential, i.e. 
the strategy of social and economic development of the Russian Federation. Thus, the success of reforming 
Russian society largely depends on the “youth factor” and the quality of the juvenile potential. 



The development of the topic involves the use of various methods of historical research: historical 
retrospection, system-structural and cultural-historical methods, typology. A special place is occupied by the 
comparative-comparative method of historical analysis, which makes it possible to reveal the degree of reliability 
of certain sources, as well as contributing to the reconstruction of a more objective picture of events. The 
application of this method helps to reveal the features of students' physical education at different stages of the 
history of the period under consideration. The work implements an interdisciplinary approach, which consists in 
using in this historical research the achievements, techniques and procedures developed by both the historical 
and pedagogical sciences. Of the published scientific publications, the article by I.R. Gudzenko is of 
indisputable interest. Characterizing the state of physical education of students by the end of 1958, the author 
formulates new tasks of organizing educational and amateur work in connection with the adoption of the "Law 
on the connection of school with life". 

In the work of F.P. Shuvalov, an attempt is made to analyze a relatively long period in the development of 
physical culture and sports in the universities of the USSR. Starting from a brief historical digression into the 
history of student sports in pre-revolutionary Russia and in the Soviet period, the author chronologically extends 
his analysis up to 1959. Based on the analysis of physical education curricula, he traced the evolution of 
organizational forms and methods of physical education in the post-war period, revealed the features of 
conducting classes with students of a special preparatory group. 

The methodological manual of B.A.Naumov contains some unsystematic information on the history of the 
development of physical culture in Soviet universities. The author traces the main stages of the development of 
student sports in the period from 1917 to 1960. However, the article did not reflect such an aspect of the 
development of physical culture and sports as a factor of improving the student physical culture movement. 

Other works consider a number of aspects and topics related to this topic. In his following, V.V. Stolbov 
briefly described the physical education of schoolchildren and students in schools and universities of the 
RSFSR. The author traces the main directions of the development of physical culture and sports in the post-war 
period and the dynamics of their development reflects the pedagogical aspect of the problem. The data 
presented by the author cover only a short period in the development of student sports. V.G.Mordkovich in his 
research defends the thesis that the successful solution of the problem of physical education of students 
depends on the active and purposeful work of public organizations and the university administration, 
emphasizing the role of physical culture in educating students with organizational skills necessary for their 
further professional and social activities. 

 ©  Journal  «Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research»,  № 13 (15), 2022, e-ISSN 2658-5561 


  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 



Of the recently published special works, the monograph of Kuznetsova Z.M. deserves attention. The 
author turns to the history of physical culture. However, the author considers physical education in universities 
only in passing, without paying special attention to it. The specifics of physical education of the younger 
generation are not sufficiently reflected. 

In the monograph by K.S. Khusnutdinov and A.R. Tuzikov, from the standpoint of historical science, the 
mechanism of social regulation of mass sports and increasing its importance in the life of modern Russian 
society has been investigated. 

The analysis of the historiography of the problem allows us to conclude that at present there are 
practically no generalizing studies dedicated to the state and trends in the development of physical education in 
Russia. Most of the published works have a pedagogical or philosophical orientation, or are devoted to the 
problems of public administration of mass sports. 




During the 1940s - 80s, the legal framework for physical education of students was created. The material 
and technical base has been significantly strengthened, the experience of working with students of various 
specialties has been accumulated. The achievement, as the analysis showed, was the creation of scientifically 
based physical education programs that take into account the specializations of university students. 

The historical and political factors of the development of physical culture in Russia were the adoption of 
the Laws "On Education" (1997) and "On Physical Culture and Sports" (1999), the introduction of state 
educational standards of higher professional education; transformations in the social, economic and political life 
of Russia taking place at the end of the XX century; the reform of the system of higher professional education. 

The development of physical education in universities in the Soviet period was determined by normative 
documents - resolutions of the party and the government, on the one hand, standard curricula, on the other 
hand. A retrospective analysis of the programs showed that changes in the forms and methods of physical 
culture and mass sports work at universities were made approximately every 10-12 years. 

The purposefulness and ways of developing physical culture and sports in higher education institutions of 
the USSR stemmed from the general tasks of the Soviet system of physical education, since students at all 
stages of the development of higher education were the vanguard of the physical culture movement in the 
country and a reference point for training specialists in physical culture and sports, for enterprises, institutions, 
collective farms and state farms. 

As a result of the development of student initiative and amateur activity, a new form of physical education 
has been widely developed — student health and sports camps. It was fixed by sanctioning decisions of state 
and trade union bodies. 

Speaking about the peculiarities of physical education and mass sports work among university students, it 
should be noted that, in general, the all-Union process was enriched by the cultivation of national sports. The 
maximum scope, supported by the material base, occurred in 1960 - 1980. 

Since the late 1980s, there has been a regression, and the tendency to reduce the network of sports and 
recreation and sports facilities has become clear, their number has decreased by 20% and did not exceed 
198,000. Their one-time capacity was 5 million people, or only 17% of the standard of security. Under the 
pretext of economic inexpediency, enterprises and organizations refused to maintain sports and recreational 
facilities, closed, sold, transferred them to other owners or used them for other purposes. After the collapse of 
the USSR, there were no modern, technically equipped sports bases for some sports in Russia, where you can 
prepare for performances at the Olympic Games and major international competitions. The volume of domestic 
production of sporting goods has decreased tenfold. For investors who are ready to invest in physical culture 
and sports, the corresponding conditions have disappeared. At the beginning of the XXI century. economic 
processes in Russia have acquired a positive character.  

 ©  Journal  «Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research»,  № 13 (15), 2022, e-ISSN 2658-5561 


  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 



The Central Chernozem region stood out against the background of other regions by the increased 
intensity of economic and social transformations. This made it possible to pay closer attention to physical culture 
and sports, including student sports. 

The revealed all-Union and all-Russian tendencies were manifested in the system of physical education 
of university students. The analysis of the work of the departments of physical education revealed the fact of 
improving the quality of physical education and mass sports work with students in the Soviet period, which was 
due to the processes of economic growth. At the turn of the 1980s — 1990s, the development of physical 
education and sports is experiencing difficulties. The positive aspect of these years was the emergence of a 
humanistic-personal paradigm of physical culture and mass sports work. 




The restructuring of the education system has given the departments of physical education of universities 
the task of radically and comprehensively improving the professional training and physical education of future 
specialists. Changing the target orientation of physical education required abandoning authoritarian methods. 

If in the Soviet period the variability and recommendation of normative documents is poorly expressed, at 
present federal exemplary programs on physical culture are conceptual, advisory, orienting, they are aimed at 
an independent search for optimal forms, means, methods of physical culture, the development of optimal 
content in the discipline. 

The key positions of updating the system of physical education in higher educational institutions of Russia 
are democratization and humanization, the development of socio-cultural aspects, the strengthening of 
educational orientation and the creative development of the values of physical culture. 




Alimov A.Z. (1957) Experience in organizing physical education classes with students included in a 
special group. Theory and practice of physical culture. Vol. 10. Pp. 728 - 730. (in Russ) 

Ashmarov I.A., Volkova E.A., Frolova E.V. (2015). On the formation of tendencies in the higher education 
system within the framework of modern globalization processes. Modern Problems of Science and Education. 
Vol. 1-1. P. 975. (in Russ) 

Denisov Y.N. (1957) Work experience in physical education of students of the preparatory group of the 
Stavropol Pedagogical Institute. M.: ed. Committee on Physical Culture and Sports under the Council of 
Ministers of the USSR. 93 p. (in Russ) 

Ershov B., Novikov Y.N., Voytovich D., Ermilova O., Dushkin O., Lubkin Y. (2019) Physical culture in 
formation of spiritual education of young people in Russia. The European Proceedings of Social and 
Behavioural Sciences Complex Research Institute named after Kh. I. Ibragimov, Russian Academy of Sciences, 
Groznyi, Russia. Pp. 3648-3653. (in Engl). 

Ershov B.A., Lubkin Y.Y. (2016) The activities of the Russian Orthodox Church in countering extremism 
and terrorism in modern Russia. Historical, philosophical, political and legal sciences, cultural studies and art 
history. Questions of theory and practice. Vol. 11-2 (73). Pp. 97-99. (in Russ) 

Ershov B.A., Perevozchikova L.S., Romanova E.V., Ashmarov I.A. (2019) The Concept of Spirituality in 
Social Philosophy. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. Т. 139. Pp. 688-694. (in Engl). 


 ©  Journal  «Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research»,  № 13 (15), 2022, e-ISSN 2658-5561 


  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 




Fursov V.N., Ershov B.A., Lubkin Y.Y. (2016) The participation of the Russian Orthodox Church in the 
patriotic education of the young generation in modern Russia. News of the Voronezh State Pedagogical 
University. Vol. 1 (270). Pp. 147-150. (in Russ) 

Golubkov E.P. (1977) The use of systems analysis in industry planning. M.: Economics. 135 p. (in Russ) 

Gramenitsky B.S. (1951) A new program for physical education of students. Theory and practice of 
physical culture. Vol. 4. Pp. 245-252. (in Russ) 

Grishina G.A. (2005) The effects of targeted physical exercises on the functional capabilities of the body 
and the prevention of diseases of female students of a special medical group: dis. . candidate of pedagogical 
Sciences. Ulan-Ude. 192 p. (in Russ) 

Gruza M.S., Ishmuratova A.M., Dushkin O.A., Voitovich D.I. (2019) Historical Aspects of the Holding  
Universiades and Their Impact on the Development of Youth Sports in Russia. Bulletin Social-Economic and 
Humanitarian Research. Vol. 2 (4). Pp. 89-94. (in Engl). 

Ikhkov A.P. (1968) On professionally applied physical training of students of technological universities. 
Physical education of students of higher educational institutions: Collection 5. M. Pp. 36-39. (in Russ) 

Ivanov V.I. (2007) Organization of sports and recreation work in KSTU. Problems and prospects of 
physical education and student sports in the conditions of modernization of higher education: mat.conf. Kazan. 
P. 121. (in Russ) 

Kiselev V.A. (1948) Sports club of a higher educational institution. Theory and practice of physical culture. 
Vol. 9. (in Russ) 

Malakhovsky G.A. (1949) New regulations and programs for physical education of students in higher 
educational institutions. Theory and practice of physical culture. Vol. 4. Pp. 279 - 285. (in Russ) 

Medvedev V.V. (1954) Improvement of insufficient balance function in the process of physical education 
of students in high school: dis.  Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. M. 186 p. (in Russ) 

Naumov B.A. (1964) New tasks new teaching methods. Theory and practice of physical culture. Vol. 8. 
Pp. 51 - 54. (in Russ) 

Pashkevich N.N. (1940) Methods and organization of physical education work in universities. Methods of 
physical education. M.: Physical culture and sport. 193 p. (in Russ) 

Reztsov S.I. (1971) The main tasks and issues of the organization of professional and applied physical 
training of higher school students. Theory and practice of physical culture. Vol. 5. Pp. 56-59. (in Russ) 

Sapargaliev G.S. (1974) The development of Soviet legislation on public education. The Soviet state and 
law. Vol. 3. P. 20. (in Russ) 

Shabalkin N.N. (1970) The content of professional and applied physical training of students of mining 
universities. Theory and practice of physical culture. Vol. 8. Pp. 57-59. (in Russ). 


 ©  Journal  «Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research»,  № 13 (15), 2022, e-ISSN 2658-5561 


  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 




Груза Мария Сергеевна1, Вялых Надежда Николаевна2, Душкин Олег Анатольевич3, 
Щербина Ирина Витальевна4, Никифорова Любовь Александровна5 

1Старший преподаватель, Воронежский государственный технический университет, улица 
20-летия Октября, 84, Воронеж, Россия, E-mail: mgruza@yandex.ru 

2Старший преподаватель, Воронежский государственный технический университет, ул. 
20-летия Октября, 84, Воронеж, Россия, E-mail: vyalix.nadia@yandex.ru 

3Старший преподаватель, Воронежский государственный технический университет, улица 20- 
летия Октября, 84, Воронеж, Россия, E-mail: fisruk@icloud.com 

4Преподаватель, Воронежский государственный технический университет, улица 20-летия 
Октября, 84, Воронеж, Россия, Электронная почта: sherbina702irina@gmail.com 

5Старший преподаватель, Воронежский государственный технический университет, ул. 20летия Октября, 84, Воронеж, Россия, E-mail: nikiforovala@inbox.ru 


В статье рассматриваются исторические аспекты массового спортивного движения в российских 
вузах. Следует признать, что в годы реформ 1990-2000-х годов пропаганда здорового образа жизни и 
ценностей физической культуры и спорта осуществлялась бессистемно. Идеал физического здоровья, 
важнейшая составляющая образа жизни, так и не сформировался. Спорт как фактор имиджа страны 
остался в забвении. Многократное увеличение стоимости услуг в сфере физической культуры и спорта 
сделало объекты физической культуры и спорта, туризма и отдыха недоступными для населения 
страны. В результате здоровый образ жизни людей не приобрел статуса моральной ценности. Только в 
последние годы спорт все больше приобретает черты одного из направлений государственной политики 
и воспитательной функции общественных организаций, профессиональных и творческих союзов. 

Ключевые слова: спорт, личность, здоровье, история, общество. 



Alimov A.Z. (1957) Experience in organizing physical education classes with students included in a 
special group. Theory and practice of physical culture. Vol. 10. Pp. 728 - 730. (in Russ) 

Ashmarov I.A., Volkova E.A., Frolova E.V. (2015). On the formation of tendencies in the higher education 
system within the framework of modern globalization processes. Modern Problems of Science and Education. 
Vol. 1-1. P. 975. (in Russ) 

Denisov Y.N. (1957) Work experience in physical education of students of the preparatory group of the 
Stavropol Pedagogical Institute. M.: ed. Committee on Physical Culture and Sports under the Council of 
Ministers of the USSR. 93 p. (in Russ) 

 ©  Journal  «Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research»,  № 13 (15), 2022, e-ISSN 2658-5561 


  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 



Ershov B., Novikov Y.N., Voytovich D., Ermilova O., Dushkin O., Lubkin Y. (2019) Physical culture in 
formation of spiritual education of young people in Russia. The European Proceedings of Social and 
Behavioural Sciences Complex Research Institute named after Kh. I. Ibragimov, Russian Academy of Sciences, 
Groznyi, Russia. Pp. 3648-3653. (in Engl). 

Ershov B.A., Lubkin Y.Y. (2016) The activities of the Russian Orthodox Church in countering extremism 
and terrorism in modern Russia. Historical, philosophical, political and legal sciences, cultural studies and art 
history. Questions of theory and practice. Vol. 11-2 (73). Pp. 97-99. (in Russ) 

Ershov B.A., Perevozchikova L.S., Romanova E.V., Ashmarov I.A. (2019) The Concept of Spirituality in 
Social Philosophy. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. Т. 139. Pp. 688-694. (in Engl). 

Fursov V.N., Ershov B.A., Lubkin Y.Y. (2016) The participation of the Russian Orthodox Church in the 
patriotic education of the young generation in modern Russia. News of the Voronezh State Pedagogical 
University. Vol. 1 (270). Pp. 147-150. (in Russ) 

Golubkov E.P. (1977) The use of systems analysis in industry planning. M.: Economics. 135 p. (in Russ) 

Gramenitsky B.S. (1951) A new program for physical education of students. Theory and practice of 
physical culture. Vol. 4. Pp. 245-252. (in Russ) 

Grishina G.A. (2005) The effects of targeted physical exercises on the functional capabilities of the body 
and the prevention of diseases of female students of a special medical group: dis. . candidate of pedagogical 
Sciences. Ulan-Ude. 192 p. (in Russ) 

Gruza M.S., Ishmuratova A.M., Dushkin O.A., Voitovich D.I. (2019) Historical Aspects of the Holding  
Universiades and Their Impact on the Development of Youth Sports in Russia. Bulletin Social-Economic and 
Humanitarian Research. Vol. 2 (4). Pp. 89-94. (in Engl). 

Ikhkov A.P. (1968) On professionally applied physical training of students of technological universities. 
Physical education of students of higher educational institutions: Collection 5. M. Pp. 36-39. (in Russ) 

Ivanov V.I. (2007) Organization of sports and recreation work in KSTU. Problems and prospects of 
physical education and student sports in the conditions of modernization of higher education: mat.conf. Kazan. 
P. 121. (in Russ) 

Kiselev V.A. (1948) Sports club of a higher educational institution. Theory and practice of physical culture. 
Vol. 9. (in Russ) 

Malakhovsky G.A. (1949) New regulations and programs for physical education of students in higher 
educational institutions. Theory and practice of physical culture. Vol. 4. Pp. 279 - 285. (in Russ) 

Medvedev V.V. (1954) Improvement of insufficient balance function in the process of physical education 
of students in high school: dis.  Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. M. 186 p. (in Russ) 

Naumov B.A. (1964) New tasks new teaching methods. Theory and practice of physical culture. Vol. 8. 
Pp. 51 - 54. (in Russ) 

Pashkevich N.N. (1940) Methods and organization of physical education work in universities. Methods of 
physical education. M.: Physical culture and sport. 193 p. (in Russ) 

Reztsov S.I. (1971) The main tasks and issues of the organization of professional and applied physical 
training of higher school students. Theory and practice of physical culture. Vol. 5. Pp. 56-59. (in Russ) 

Sapargaliev G.S. (1974) The development of Soviet legislation on public education. The Soviet state and 
law. Vol. 3. P. 20. (in Russ) 

Shabalkin N.N. (1970) The content of professional and applied physical training of students of mining 
universities. Theory and practice of physical culture. Vol. 8. Pp. 57-59. (in Russ). 


 ©  Journal  «Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research»,  № 13 (15), 2022, e-ISSN 2658-5561

 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 


Дата публикации: 15 января 2022 
DOI: 10.52270/26585561_2022_13_15_10

Исторические науки

ЭКСКУРСИЙ В 1913 – 1914 гг.

Лысак Татьяна Николаевна1

1Аспирант Воронежского государственного аграрного университета имени императора Петра I,

Воронеж, Россия, E-mail: tatyana_lysak@mail.ru


В статье рассматривается организация летних учебных плаваний Комитетом морских экскурсий 
для учащихся российских средних учебных заведений. Анализируется роль Комитета морских экскурсий 
в распространении знаний по военно-морскому делу среди населения Российской Империи перед 
Первой мировой войной. Отмечается, что летние учебные плавания, проведенные общественной  
военно-морской организацией, во многом способствовали выбору профессии моряка для отечественной 
молодежи в начале ХХ века. В результате летних обучающих плаваний Комитета морских экскурсий у 
российской учащийся молодежи появился интерес к военно-морскому делу, что способствовало 
дальнейшей профессиональной ориентации её представителей. 

комитет морских экскурсий,
российский императорский флот,
плавания, первая мировая война, учебное судно, военно-морское дело. 


Многочисленные общественные военно-морские организации, возникшие в результате поражения 
от Японии, состоявшие из представителей российской правящей элиты в той или иной мере оказывали 
влияние на судостроительные программы Морского министерства России [11, с. 21]. Однако для 
строительства флота перед Первой мировой войной был выбран путь, заключавшийся в строительстве 
линейных кораблей [18].

Комитет морских экскурсий был зарегистрирован как общественная организация в 1908 г. [24] 
Первоначально он возник в структуре Лиги обновления флота [19], представлявшей собой влиятельное 
добровольное объединение широко известное на всероссийском уровне [24]. Однако впоследствии 
Комитет морских экскурсии обрел определенную автономность, связанную с его деятельностью по 
организации летних морских практик для учащихся средних российских заведений [21]. Именно 
исследованию программы летних практик под руководством Комитета морских экскурсий в 1913 – 1914 
гг., т.е. моменту наивысшего развития обучения молодежи военно-морскому делу в дореволюционной 
России, и посвящено данное исследование.     

 ©  Journal  «Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research»,  № 13 (15), 2022, e-ISSN 2658-5561 


  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 






Перед Первой мировой войной для российской общественности приобрели особое значение 
результаты в развитии Российского Императорского флота после русско-японской войны 1904 – 1905 гг. 
[17] Пути становления и роль в вооруженных силах флота исследовали в своих трудах Е.И. Аренс [1] и 
Н.Л. Кладо [15; 16]. Ему уделяли внимание Н.Н. Беклемишев [22; 3] и Л.Ф. Добротворский [9; 10]. Среди 
других ученых и общественных деятелей можно выделить: И.И. Ислямова [12], Н.Н. Родзевича [22], С.И. 
Дмитриева [8], Н.Н. Карлинского [13; 14], П.И. Белавенца[4; 5; 6].  

Первое плавание в 1913 г. с 40 учащимися в составе экипажа состоялось на шхуне «Утро». 5 июня 
учащиеся средних учебных заведений заселились на судно, пришвартованное на реке Неве. Для всех 
практикантов в Санкт-Петербурге предлагалась стандартная культурная программа: 

1.Увеселительная экскурсия по столичному городу. 

2.Торжественная литургия в Храме Спаса на водах. 

Упомянутый храм был полностью посвящен военным морякам, героически погибшим в период 
русско-японской войны 1904 – 1905 гг.  

Намного более насыщенная программа ждала практикантов в военном порту Кронштадта, где им 
предлагались ознакомительные экскурсии: 

Кораблестроительные предприятия. 

Инфраструктура военного порта.  

Главный Морской Собор города Кронштадта [20, с. 8].  

Уже в Кронштадте для практикантов начались учения, которые сопровождали их на протяжении 
всего срока плавания: 

Теория управления морским судном. 

Работа с парусным оснащением судна. 

Занятия по гребле.  

Расписание обязанностей на учебном судне. 

Во время плавания учебное судно «Утро» посетило следующие насаленные пункты: 

1.Бухту Койвиста. 

2. Порт Ганге. 

3.Ревель [20, с. 10]. 

Само плавание продолжилось 31 день. Втрое учебное плавание в 1913 г. повторило программу 
первого с одним небольшим исключением – посещением порта Гельсингфорс. В Ревель капитан 
учебного судна решил не заходить из-за эпидемии тифа в городе.  

Среди особенных занятий практикантов надо выделить: 

Приемы работы с ружьем. 

Постановка судна на якорь. 

Спасение человека за бортом. 

Устранение пожара на судне. 

 ©  Journal  «Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research»,  № 13 (15), 2022, e-ISSN 2658-5561 


  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 



Спасение судна от затопления. 

 Работа с  судовым семафором. 

Съемка судна с якоря. 

Сигнализация на море [20, с. 14]. 

Врачи после плавания отметили общее улучшение здоровья практикантов и практически 
отсутствие случаев заболеваемости в период учебного плавания. Только один практикант не пожелал 
выполнять судовые работы. В результате 25 практикантов высказали желание связать свое будущее с 
военно-морской карьерой и поступить в соответствующие высшие учебные заведения.  

Среди практикантов были представлены учащиеся целого ряда российских средних учебных 

Коммерческие училища. 

Классические гимназии. 

Частные училища. 

Кадетские корпуса. 

Реальные училища [20, с. 16].  

Помимо столицы, учащиеся для прохождения летней практики на судах Комитета морских 
экскурсий приехали из 24 губернских городов.  

Другим судном, осуществившим учебные плавания в 1913 г., стал пароход «Ильмень». Во многом 
обучающая программа совпадала с учебным судном «Утро». Важным пунктом обучающей программы 
для практикантов на учебном судне «Утро» и пароходе «Ильмень» стало посещение водолазной партии 
Балтийского флота. Причем практикантам с парохода «Ильмень» позволили осмотреть учебное судно 
водолазной партии «Африка» [20, с. 18].    

Целый ряд практикантов в 1913 г. принял решение остаться на второе учебное плавание, 
проходившее на пароходе «Ильмень». В данном случае им удалось приветствовать членов иностранной 
общественной организации или Германского морского союза, прибывших на пароходе «Grosser Kurfurst». 
География практикантов на пароходе «Ильмень» была более ограничена и представлена только 12 
российскими городами вместе со столицей Санкт-Петербург [20, с. 23].  

В 1913 – 1914 гг. Комитет морских экскурсий утвердил для практикантов единое судовое 

1. В 6 часов утра подъем практикантов.    

2. Общая уборка кубрика для сна на учебном судне. 

3.Гигиенические процедуры. 

4. Общая уборка палуб учебного судна. 

5. До 11 часов проведение учебных занятий. 

6. После обеда свободное время. 

7. С двух часов до пяти часов по полудню снова учебные занятия. 

8. После ужина свободное время. 

9. С 9 до 10 часов вечера раздача коек и отбой [23, л. 43].